Bishop's Appeal On February 18 the Bishop's Appeal Office mailed the final pledge statement to all parishioners who have a remaining balance on the 2002 appeal pledge. The accounting and records process for the 2002 Bishop's Appeal will be closed out on March 11 so that the Appeal office can begin planning for the Bishop's Appeal 2003 campaign, which begins in late April. It is important that the Bishop's Appeal Office receives your final pledge payment prior to March 14. Payments should be sent to the Bishop's Appeal Office. 40 North Main Avenue, Albany 12203.
Operation Rice Bowl As part of our faith community's Lenten observance, we will participate in Catholic Relief Services Lenten program, Operation Rice Bowl. This program will help us pray, fast, learn and give in solidarity with the poorest of the poor around the world. We encourage you to participate in Operation Rice Bowl at home with your family and loved ones. The Rice Bowls are located on the table at the Church entrance.
New Parishioners Let's welcome our newest parishioners--Raymond and Bette Franklin and Jeffery Selby. If you are not currently a registered parishioner, we invite you to join. It is important in the development of our parish. There is a form in the front of the Bulletin. You may also email Father McNerney or the Parish Office.
Seton Auxiliary is sponsoring a bus trip to Duck Cedar Inn in Tuxedo, NY on March 19th. Transportation, Irish Music, dancing and food are included for $65.00. Bus leaves Wal-Mart's on Hoosick Road, Troy, at 8am. For additional information and reservations, call Mary Jane Burke at 279-3083.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross are held at St. Paul's Church every Friday evening at 7 PM during the Lenten Season. All are invited to attend.
May Day Parade/Litany to Blessed Virgin Mary/Benediction
The second Annual May Day Parade will be held at 6 PM on Thursday, May 1, 2003 starting at St. Patrick's Church (3039 Sixth Avenue). Participants will then march to St. Peter's, where a Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be held. Contact Al Mertz (857-2076, 767-2219 or or Howard Reilly (664-5013) for further details.
Sacrament of Confirmation This year's parish confirmations will occur on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. If you are 16 or over and wish to be confirmed please contact Father McNerney. If you wish to be confirmed please meet with him at the Lyceum at 11:15 AM on Sunday, March 16.
Church Offering Statements
Your church offering statements for 2002 are ready. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please call the office at 518-272-2750.
Tax Time
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), is offering free assistance in preparing New York and Federal personal income tax returns to low and moderate income taxpayers, age 50 and overat the Troy Senior Center, located at 19 3rd Street. For information and an appointment, call the Senior Center at 270-5348.
Wanted Special People: To be volunteers for the Community Hospice of Rensselaer County which provides care for terminally ill patients and their families. Training for new volunteers will be held at the Hospice Office, 295 Valley View Blvd. in Rensselaer. For information on dates, time or to register call Susan Cunningham at 285-8114.
Altar Flowers You can make a $25.00 donation to the altar flowers in memory or in honor of someone. Call the rectory office at 272-2750 or see Al Mertz (857-2076, 767-2219 or to make your request.
Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary will hold its annual ACIES at St. Mary of the Assumption Church, 119 Broad Street,Waterford, NY on March 23, 2003 at 2 PM. Refeshments will follow at the parish hall.
PLEASE NOTE: The Holy Hour and Novena to St. Monica, is held at St. Paul's Church on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm. Please join us and bring a friend.
Atlantic City Trip Spring trip to Atlantic City is set for April 22-25, Tuesday--Friday. The 4-day, 3-night trip includes bus transport ant from St. Paul's, accommodations at the Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resort, and a $30 coin bonus. The cost is $220 per person. Call St. Paul's rectory office at 274-4083 for information.
Upcoming Appearances by the New York Catholic Chorale (at St. Peter's and Elsewhere)
March 23, 2003 (Sunday) - 3pm Concert of Choral Music St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 236, 1st Street, Scotia, NY Music of Rutter, Savoy, Villette, Rheinberger with selections from Franz Joseph Haydn's STABAT MATER
April 6, 2003 (Sunday) - 12:30pm Passion Sunday Tridentine Latin Mass St. Peter's Catholic Church, Fifth Avenue, Troy, NY Ordinary of the Mass: t.b.a.
April 6, 2003 (Sunday) - 4pm Solemn Latin Vespers The Cathedral of All Saints, South Swann Street, Albany, NY
April 27, 2003 (Sunday) - 12noon Low Sunday Latin Orchestral Mass St. Mary's Catholic Church, Lodge and Pine Streets, Albany, NY Ordinary of the Mass: Mass in 12 parts (Giovanni Gabrieli), Jubilate Deo in 8 parts (G. Gabrieli)
May 4, 2003 (Sunday) - 12:30pm Second Sunday After Easter Tridentine Latin Mass St. Peter's Catholic Church, Fifth Avenue, Troy, NY Ordinary of the Mass: t.b.a
May 17, 2003 (Saturday) - 4pm Baccalaureate Mass Alumni Recreation Center, SIENA COLLEGE, Loudonville, NY
June 1, 2003 (Sunday) - 12:30pm Sunday After the Ascension Tridentine Latin Mass St. Peter's Catholic Church, Fifth Avenue, Troy, NY Ordinary of the Mass: t.b.a.