Welcome to the traditional Latin (Tridentine) Mass offered here at St. Peter's Church at the request of Bishop Hubbard. We are pleased to have you join us in this venerable act of worship and invite you to come often. Ushers are available to assist you with your questions or needs. Don't be afraid to ask.
Since there is no mixing of old and new rites, Holy Communion is received on the tongue only while kneeling at the altar rail (unless you are unable to do so.) A reminder: only Catholics in the state of grace are to receive Communion. Confession is usually available before Mass.
It is the custom for women to cover their heads while in Church. Chapel veils are available in the rear of the Church.
Please keep a holy Silence in the Church at all times in respect for Christ's Presence in the tabernacle.
Contributions to the Offertory collection support our parish and enables us to maintain our music program. We are grateful to the
New York Catholic Chorale and their Director Thomas Savoy for their involvement here. You may become a member of the parish by completing the form attached to the bulletin. The complete form can be placed in the basket or given to one of the priests after Mass.
Bishop Hubbard has erected us as a non-territorial parish for all those Catholics attached to the Traditional Mass. To be considered a parishioner, however you must register in the parish.
Please introduce yourself to our Pastor, Father McNerney. And join us for the
Coffee Hour which follows Mass across the street in the Hall (Lyceum)!!